If you want to change the world,

pick up your pen and write.

-Martin Luther

Writing, Faith, Life, and Everything in Between

Picking up the Pen

Writing, Faith, Life and Everything in Between-that’s the premise of this blog I’m starting. If you’re here, maybe you’re looking for tips on how to improve your writing, or maybe you’d like to read an encouraging message. I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Catherine, and I am starting this blog to hold myself accountable to write again. As I write stories and poems, I will post blogs about the craft of writing and share a few pieces too. The best way to improve as a writer is to write often. It doesn’t matter what you write, just write!

To practice writing myself, I will also post some fun, lifestyle blogs about faith, fashion, fitness, food, travel, home decor, health and social justice. What’s the common thread? Just that I find joy in these things and want to write about them. That’s the best advice I have for any writer-find what makes you joyful and write about it because when you are joyful, you’ll create your best work.

So why write now?

This summer, I realized that our gifts are too valuable not to use. Writing is a gift that I love, and I have let it fall to the wayside for too long.

A few life events led me to realize the importance of using our gifts: I was diagnosed with a long-term, voice condition (which has a treatment), a close mentor passed away, and my grandfather, who encouraged me to use my gifts more than anyone, passed away. These are sad things, but they helped me rediscover the blessing that writing is in my life. You can read the full story on the My Story page.

This blog provides a path to express, a breath of fresh air in a busy world, and a bit of joy each day. It’s a place for me to share writing techniques as I practice them, post my writing, and reflect on topics I love.

I am also so excited to feature some amazing people that are using their gifts-those things they find immense joy and life in doing- to better the world.

I hope that you can have some fun reading my posts and perhaps be encouraged by my story.  So many of us go through trials and struggles alone, but we are not alone. We are loved and known by God our Father and Christ our friend, our greatest comfort and hope.

Thanks for reading.




Catherine Glover is a graduate of the Creative Writing program at Northwestern University and teaches elementary literature in Jackson, MS.  She loves to travel, read, discuss big ideas, and enjoy the beauty in the world. She cares deeply about social justice issues and has worked to support The Human Trafficking Institute and the African Business Institute, a graduate business program for entrepreneurs in Eastern Africa. Her faith in Christ is a foundational part of her life. She loves her husband Matt, her family, and her two dogs, Jada and Monterey Jack.

Thanks Dad for inspiring me to write by simply listening.Photo by Followell Fotography https://www.followellfotography.com

Thanks Dad for inspiring me to write by simply listening.

Photo by Followell Fotography https://www.followellfotography.com

My siblings, my team.Photo by Followell Fotography https://www.followellfotography.com

My siblings, my team.

Photo by Followell Fotography https://www.followellfotography.com